Our friends, CLiff and Denise, came in to town from ALabama this weekend. Cliff and Dan were classmates @ Wake Forest for PA School. We haven't seen them in a few years, and it has been fun to catch up.
Friday we went Kayaking on the Edisto River. Here I've grown up here, well high school and college years anyway, and I've never been down the Edisto River. We had a blast. We borrowed a few kayaks from some friends at church. And we are now planning on buying our own. Dan is trying to convince me that we also need a real BOAT!! Well, he's been trying for a few years now, and since I enjoyed our time on the water, he is fully taking advantage on this!!
We spent a few hours on the water, and even stopped so they could all jump out of tree from a rope swing, into the water. I, of course, did not do this, being pregnant and all...but I'm not sure I'd have joined in if I wasn't. We ended the day with a cook out. And if you know Dan, you know it was no SMALL ordeal! We even roasted marshmallows and had Smores!!
Saturday, Cliff and Denise went to a family reunion that was here in town. So I took advantage of the down time and took a much needed nap!! While Dan went and played fireman and learned how to cut people out of cars, using a tool they like to call the Beast!!
Later that night we all met up and we went downtown. We took them to Hyman's Seafood. If you've never been there, you MUST go the next time you are in town, great food, reasonable prices. Check them out
http://www.hymanseafood.com/ And, since we are local, we have a special pass, and it saved us about an hour of waiting for a table, as they move us to the front of the line.
We ended the evening with a stroll downtown, even stopped for some ice cream and WARM gooey pralines!!!!! Yummy!!
Am I making you want to plan your visit to Charleston yet?!?!?!?
We have lots of room and LOVE to show people around our town!! And we may even have that boat Dan wants so bad!!