Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Good Week

The Pavlischek Marines
Wayne, Dad, Josh

As of today we are 14 weeks (98 days) away from Abigail's scheduled due date!! After being on bed rest for 3 weeks, I have been allowed off bed rest! I went to the doctors today, and left with a good report. I have had no contractions in over 2 weeks. I have been obeying doctor's orders. My cervix seems to have thickened some, and Abby isn't sitting quite so low in my pelvis. With all that said, and the fact that Dan is a PA in the ER (and very good at making sure I follow Dr's orders), Dr Martin is allowing me to do more. I am allowed to drive again!!! I am allowed to do VERY light activity (shopping, outings, dinner) for short periods. So no all day shopping in my future.

I have a list of things that I want to get done; hair cut, pedicure, going to register for baby stuff, all the important stuff...right???

I am very excited that the shots I am taking are helping slow down Abby's arrival. I also know that our daughter's arrival has been handed over to her Heavenly Father, and she has a team of prayer warriors praying for her continued growth every day!! Dan and I both thank you for your Prayers and Encouragement!! It means so much to us to know that we have brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying for our precious daughter!

All of this said, this week is an emotional one for me. Before I was put on bed rest, i had plans to leave tomorrow for DC and Maryland with my family.

On Thursday July 2nd, my baby brother will graduate from TBS (the basic school) with the USMC. We are very proud of him!! He will be joining a Tank unit in NC after tanker school. I am glad that Wayne will be on the east coast, and close to home! We are also praying that Josh, my other Marine brother will get stationed @ Cherry Point, NC where he will fly C-130's. (his other options are California and Japan) It would be nice to have both the boys close!

On that same day July 2nd my father, Colonel Wayne A Pavlischek, will retire from 30+ years of service. I sooooo want to be there for my daddy!! He had loved his time with the Corp! He is and always be a MARINE!! I know it brings him great joy to be able to watch his boys become Marines! he never has asked them to follow in his foot steps, and I think he even tried to talk them out of it at some point.

On Sunday July 5th, my cousin, Justin Pavlischek (the other Marine in the family) is getting married in Maryland.

Needless to say this week & weekend is going to be a little sad, since Dan and I will be missing 3 family events!! They all understand that I would be there if I could!

To help keep me occupied, my in-laws, Don and Crystal, and Dan's Nana are coming to visit for a few days. They were planning to come to my dad's retirement. But since we aren't going to be there, they decided to come here instead.

When my parents return from DC, they are bringing my Grandma Chek (my dad's mom) home with them. She's going to keep me company the next week while my mom and dad fly to Texas for Josh's graduation from Flight School.

I'm not allowed to go back to work as of yet :( I would really like to get back to even light duty. Dr Martin seems to think that when I go back to see him in 2 weeks, he may let me go back to work.

I don't go back to the doctors for 2 weeks. Then I will have another ultrasound and the most dreaded glucose tolerance test.

I am excited to have some more freedom, and the fact that I'm not "tied" to the couch/bed is nice. Just so you all know, I WILL be VERY cautious not to over-do-it!!!! I don't want to be back on Complete bed rest!! And Dan will be keeping a close eye on me too!

Thank you again for your continued Prayers!!!


Dan, Kim, and Abigail

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 25

Well, we are into our 25th week! So far so good. I had an uneventful week, with NO contractions or cramping in over a week! PRAISE GOD!! I've spent the last week laying in bed, on the couch, and lounging in the pool. It's been a nice HOT week, so the pool was nice.
I went to the doctors today, and left with a good report!! We are going to do some trials of light activity this week. Which consists of getting up for a few hours each day, around the house. Nothing stressful, no lifting, no housework, but something is better than nothing! It's going to be hard not to over do it. But I know that if I over do it, it's going to mean that I go back on strict bedrest! SO NONE of that for me!!
We are going to continue to take each day as it comes. Every day and week that Abby stays put, the better!
Thanks again for your love and prayers!
Dan, Kim and Abby

This is Dan's "almost Father's Day" gift he got.
And whether or not he will admit to it
He is WRAPPED around Abby's finger!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pool time, New Meds, Baby Panic, and Dr's Appt

So, I've now been on bed rest for a week and a half. I think I've done a pretty good job at staying sane. The doctor told me last Friday that I can lounge in the pool for a few hours. I was very excited about this!! It's my time to be out of the house, around other people, and time to work on my tan...err tying not to BURN.
I've had a few friends come out to out community pool and hang with me.
I went Thursday last week till Monday morning with NO cramping/contractions. That was until Monday morning and Monday after noon when I had a few bouts of Contractions. Uggg, I was so disappointed. The good thing was, that my new meds arrived Monday! So when Dan got home Monday night, I got my first shot! It's called 17 Hydroxyprogesterone. This stuff is thick as PASTE!! YUCKO!!!! Dan even had to run back to the hospital to get a different size needle, cause the ones we had at home were too small. SO, my butt hurts!! But like my aunt said "better a sore butt, and a baby in the belly"!!
The doctor wanted to set up a home health nurse to come out to the house to give me my shot, But since Dan and I can both give shots, plus I have TONS of friends that could come do it, there was no point. If at some point I start having more contractions and need more monitoring. He said that the home health company can come set up a home monitor. That way he can keep me out of the hospital as long as he can.
Dan and I have been overwhelmed at the people who have offered to come sit with me, to cook, and to clean. It's hard to let people do stuff for me. But, I have to realise I can't do it for my self. And Dan has been picking up extra hours at work. And things still need to get done. My mom and dad have been a great help too.
So...about the PANIC!! OK, so if lil Abigail's shenanigans are any prediction of how things are going to be as she gets older...We are in for trouble!!
So I started the new meds on Monday. By Tuesday evening, I realized that I hadn't felt her move all day. She's normally a pretty active lil one. My friend Mary Elizabeth came over to spend the evening, since Dan was at work, and she had cooked me dinner. After dinner, I was paying more attention that she hadn't moved, and even after trying to wake her up and get her to move. I started to get worried. I called Dan at work, and then called DR Martin. Dr Martin said he was pretty sure she was just sleeping, but I could go into the hospital if if would make me feel better. I have the advantage of Dan working in the ER, so we decided that Mary Elizabeth would take me in to see Dan, and we would call Dr Martin back if there was something off. I was soooo anxious! I was so glad that Mary Elizabeth was there with me, she was so reassuring that everything was going to be ok.
When we got to the hospital, the first thing we did was check the heart beat. It was good and strong!! I was soooooo relieved to hear that lil swoosh swoosh!! All I could do was cry!! Such RELIEF!! I could then breathe again! Then Dan hooked up the ultrasound machine. She's definitely gotten bigger, her head is down, and she's all crunched up in a ball. After we pushed and manipulated her a bit, she started to wake up. I love just looking at her on the ultrasound. I can't wait to hold her in my arms and stare at her!! (well, I can wait, and hope she does...at least until September)
I had another Doctor's appointment today. Things seem to be holding steady. The new meds seem to be working already (and not just on making Abby sleepy). Dr Martin said that he could tell that the uterus isn't as tight and low as it was last week. He still wants me on strict bed rest (bathroom and pool visits only) for the next week. If things continue to get better, then next week he said he'll think about starting to increase my activity by a few hours.
So, we are praying Abigail continues to stay put, and not cause Mommy any more panic moments.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. And to those of you who have come by, made meals, sent note, cards, packages, and other wonderful treats...THANK YOU!!! You are all a special Blessing in our lives!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

BedRest and More BedRest

This week, I have been to the doctors 3 times. I'm really starting to get to know the girls in the office :) And I really like Dr Martin, my OB.
I've had some cramping on and off. When I went to the doctors yesterday, I am still 60% effaced, but it hasn't gotten any worse.
The doctor ordered me a progesterone shot that I will take once a week. It was hard to get ordered, but after a long day yesterday, we got it on order from a pharmacy in Columbia, SC. They are mailing it to me, so it will start when it arrives.
The goal is for me to stay on complete bed rest until I go several days with no cramping or contractions. Then the doctor said he will start letting me do an hour or 2 of light activity. From there, it's just to find a happy medium, where I have no cramping/contractions with activity. He is not sure I'll be able to go back to work, but at least off the couch/bed. My boss has offered to try and find me "desk work" if the doctor will release me for that.
Dr Martin said it would be OK for me to spend some time floating in the pool. We have a really nice pool in our subdivision. So I am really excited about this!! It'll allow me to get out of the house a bit and allow me to get some sun!
We have been blessed with an awesome church family. Ladies have been offering to help Dan with cleaning. And they are bringing meals a few times a week. One of my friends has offered to teach me to Knit. And a few are going to come over to scrapbook.
I have also decided that I should use this time effectively, and I am going to start studying to take my Oncology Certification. I've been putting this off for some time now, and I may as well put my time to good use.
I know that God is in control of all of this. None of this is a surprise to Him.
At times I struggle with having peace that all things are going to work out. Satan tries to get me down with thoughts of all the bad things that could happen. He tries to get me to see myself as a failure at my first task at a mom, that somehow I'm letting my baby girl down. I know all of these are lies!! I constantly have to remind myself that God is in control. Little AbbyBeth is his child no matter what happens.
My prayer is that God will be glorified through this pregnancy.
When I start to think, "God, why me?!?!?!?!" I remind myself to think, "God, Why not me!!!!"
please continue to pray for us, all 3 of us!

Monday, June 8, 2009

All in God's hands.

Well, sometimes what we have in mind, is not exactly what God has in mind for us.
On Saturday, I started experinceing some cramping that woke me up at 2am. I went back to sleep, but when I woke up to get ready for work, the more I was up, the more I was cramping. I called the doctor on call. She had me go to the Hospital. There they sent me to L&D. I was placed on the monitor. Abby was doing great, heart rate was wonderful and she was moving all around. They had me on the monitor all day, and no contractions. But they did say my cervix was 60% Affaced, but it was closed and high. Since I wasnt contracting and no spotting, they sent me home. Told me to rest and follow up with my doctor on Monday.
Well, today I went to the doctors. I am still 60% affaced, but the cervix has gotten a little lower. And baby Abby's head in already down puttting pressure on the cervix.
So, I guess Abby is already asserting her independance and trying to come before she is supposed to.
To help stop this pre-term labor, I've been placed on bedrest. They are going to start me on a medication to try. I go tomorrow for an0ther ultrasound.
From here, it'll be week by week.
I'm hoping this doesn't mean another 17 weeks of bedrest, but I'll do what I have to and for as long as I have to, if it means that Abby stays put!
Please pray for all of us, as we make adjustments. Pray for Dan as he picks up the slack. Pray for me as I try and keep for going stir crazy. Pray for Abby as she continues to grow!!
Praise that we have my parents close by to help. And we have a wonderful church family who has already been offering to come keep me company.
I'll keep you posted.
Kim, Dan, and Baby Abby.