Yesterday, my Wonderful Husband Daniel, turned the BIG 30!! We had a great day...well most of it, but more on that later...
Dan's parents and Nana came into town on Sunday. They are our first house guests in our new home. WE spent the day in Downtown Charleston. We took a guided walking tour of the Holy City (something we hadn't done before), and learned lots of neat facts about Charleston. We even got Nana out on the tour, although we pushed her in the wheelchair. (which we found does NOT roll well on the cobble stone streets).
We had a nice seafood lunch at the Charleston Crab House, yummy yummy!!
Then we set sail on the high seas of Charleston on the Ferry to Ft Sumter. Dan and his family had never taking the tour and I haven't been since high school, so it was a nice but COLD and Windy experience.
WE finished out our Day with another yummy meal at CASA CASKIE (aka Kim's Kitchen) We even used our fancy china and new silver (that we purchased at and outlet sale) in honor of Dan's Birthday. my parents also joined us to celebrate Dan's 30th Birthday!
How we didn't expect to end the evening......
I put a load of clothes in the washer about 10:30pm. By 11 o'clock...we had a FLOOD, yes FLOOD.
(We had a leak a few weeks back, which the builder came and fixed and patched the drywall. They are supposed to come on Wed this week to fix the hardwood floors (they got some water damage and are warping.)
But compared to last time...this is WAY worse. The ceiling last time was a 1x3 foot section of drywall that needed to be patched. THIS time....the water was pouring out several spots of the family room. THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!!
We can praise GOD for several things: 1. We Were home!! and I was about to shut the water off. Who knows how bad this would have been if we weren't home! 2. Dan's parents were about to help clean up. 3. We have lots of towels and linens in our house, that we used to SOP in all the water.
Dan in his dad spent some time cutting holes in the drywall the help let the water out of the ceiling.
Dan now has a real bad rash all over his body. WE are not sure what it's from. It may be from all the dirty water he ended up covered in, or the drywall dust from cutting holes in the ceiling. But, he itches and does not feel well. He is in bed, in a Benadryl induced SLEEP!!
Please pray for us today, as we meet with the insurance company, the plumber, the builder, and the other repair companies. Pray that we were able to get all the water up, and that there will NOT be any mold/mildew. Pray that Dan will feel better. Pray that Dan and I will work together and not against each other. Pray that God will use this in our lives to help us better serve HIM.
Again I would like to say HAPPY Birthday to my WONDERFUL husband!! I know we will NEVER forget this Birthday!!!
I'll post some pictures of our visit Downtown and the Damage later!
1 day ago
oh major bummer! dealing with housing contractors is a pain! stick with it so it gets fixed right!and happy b-day dan!
Happy Birthday Dan! Hope you all are doing well. We sure miss you and wish we could see you. Good luck with everything.
Shelb, Bobby and Will
How's Flood Repair #2 going? Welcome to the 30's Dan!
-Dean and Julie
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