July 11th I celebrated my 29th Birthday!! I splurged and went and got a much needed pedicure. Then I went to my friend Haley's baby shower (Noah and Abby have play dates lined up already) After the shower, Dan and I went to dinner with my brother and his girl friend. All in all.... I DID TOO MUCH!! I know!!! I had several runs of contractions later that night! I've learned my lesson and I'm taking it easy! But it was a nice day after all!!!

On Tuesday this week the Dr had scheduled my 28 week Glucose Tolerance test and ultrasound. I was able to take my grandma to see the ultrasound. She is a retired labor and delivery nurse. All the technology has come a long way over the years. She was very excited to get a glimpse of her first Great-Grandbaby!
I saw the doctor today. Good News... We passed our Glucose test!!
Bad News... I'm a little more effaced and her head is pushing on my cervix again :(
So that being said, Dr Martin isn't letting me go back to work! I know this is for the better, but I was really hoping. I've gotta keep taking it easy!
I guess Abigail is in a hurry to meet all of you! WE are just praying that she will rest and wait till it's her time to come!!
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