WOW...can you believe it?!?!?!
1 month and counting!!! Seems crazy. Abigail Caskie is due in just 1 month. We are ready to meet her, ready to kiss the hands and feet that have been kicking me more and more, ready to see who she looks like; what color eyes she will have, will she have hair???
Back in June we weren't sure she would stay put this long. We are so thankful for you, our friends and family, who have been praying for our daughter to stay inside me and continue to grow. We are thankful for Dr Martin and his medical wisdom. We are thankful for OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, who has kept us safe and healthy.
I am still taking the hormone shots for another 2 weeks. At that point we will let Abby come when she may. Everyone keeps telling me that my daughter is going to again assert her Independence and just decide to be "late" (after Oct 6th) I know my Aunt Cheryl is pushing for her to be born on her 50th birthday on the 15th. But October hold MANY birthdays for our family. Including Abby's daddy, but not till the 27th...and that is just NOT going to happen!!!
The past few weeks have felt a little more "normal". I have returned to work for a few hours a few days a week. It's nice to be out of the house and feel a little "productive".
We, mostly Dan, have been busy getting things ready for Abby to arrive. Washing clothes, blankets, bibs, burp cloths. Putting together baby accessories, figuring out how the strollers work. So much to do!! Dan is almost finished with staining the dresser/changer. My mom is still working on the bedding. It'll all get done soon enough.
We are anxiously awaiting to meet Lil Abby!!! We can't wait to introduce her to all of you!!
Again...THANK YOU for you love and prayers that have gotten us to this milestone!!! 1 month and COUNTING......
Dan, Kim, and Abby
2 days ago
Wow! I can't believe how far along you are already! Enjoy these last few weeks!
Hard to believe Abby will be here so soon! My younger sister is pregnant with a girl (they're going to name her Bella Rose), and she is due on Oct. 22nd. This is such an exciting time for everyone as we welcome these sweet little baby girls into the world. Chase is almost 20 weeks old me, the time flies! It's such a blessing, and I know you and Dan are more than deserving of this gift from God!
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