The Pavlischek Marines
Wayne, Dad, Josh

As of today we are 14 weeks (98 days) away from Abigail's scheduled due date!! After being on bed rest for 3 weeks, I have been allowed off bed rest! I went to the doctors today, and left with a good report. I have had no contractions in over 2 weeks. I have been obeying doctor's orders. My cervix seems to have thickened some, and Abby isn't sitting quite so low in my pelvis. With all that said, and the fact that Dan is a PA in the ER (and very good at making sure I follow Dr's orders), Dr Martin is allowing me to do more. I am allowed to drive again!!! I am allowed to do VERY light activity (shopping, outings, dinner) for short periods. So no all day shopping in my future.
I have a list of things that I want to get done; hair cut, pedicure, going to register for baby stuff, all the important stuff...right???
I am very excited that the shots I am taking are helping slow down Abby's arrival. I also know that our daughter's arrival has been handed over to her Heavenly Father, and she has a team of prayer warriors praying for her continued growth every day!! Dan and I both thank you for your Prayers and Encouragement!! It means so much to us to know that we have brothers and sisters in Christ who are praying for our precious daughter!
All of this said, this week is an emotional one for me. Before I was put on bed rest, i had plans to leave tomorrow for DC and Maryland with my family.
On Thursday July 2nd, my baby brother will graduate from TBS (the basic school) with the USMC. We are very proud of him!! He will be joining a Tank unit in NC after tanker school. I am glad that Wayne will be on the east coast, and close to home! We are also praying that Josh, my other Marine brother will get stationed @ Cherry Point, NC where he will fly C-130's. (his other options are California and Japan) It would be nice to have both the boys close!
On that same day July 2nd my father, Colonel Wayne A Pavlischek, will retire from 30+ years of service. I sooooo want to be there for my daddy!! He had loved his time with the Corp! He is and always be a MARINE!! I know it brings him great joy to be able to watch his boys become Marines! he never has asked them to follow in his foot steps, and I think he even tried to talk them out of it at some point.
On Sunday July 5th, my cousin, Justin Pavlischek (the other Marine in the family) is getting married in Maryland.
Needless to say this week & weekend is going to be a little sad, since Dan and I will be missing 3 family events!! They all understand that I would be there if I could!
To help keep me occupied, my in-laws, Don and Crystal, and Dan's Nana are coming to visit for a few days. They were planning to come to my dad's retirement. But since we aren't going to be there, they decided to come here instead.
When my parents return from DC, they are bringing my Grandma Chek (my dad's mom) home with them. She's going to keep me company the next week while my mom and dad fly to Texas for Josh's graduation from Flight School.
I'm not allowed to go back to work as of yet :( I would really like to get back to even light duty. Dr Martin seems to think that when I go back to see him in 2 weeks, he may let me go back to work.
I don't go back to the doctors for 2 weeks. Then I will have another ultrasound and the most dreaded glucose tolerance test.
I am excited to have some more freedom, and the fact that I'm not "tied" to the couch/bed is nice. Just so you all know, I WILL be VERY cautious not to over-do-it!!!! I don't want to be back on Complete bed rest!! And Dan will be keeping a close eye on me too!
Thank you again for your continued Prayers!!!
Dan, Kim, and Abigail