Well, sometimes what we have in mind, is not exactly what God has in mind for us.
On Saturday, I started experinceing some cramping that woke me up at 2am. I went back to sleep, but when I woke up to get ready for work, the more I was up, the more I was cramping. I called the doctor on call. She had me go to the Hospital. There they sent me to L&D. I was placed on the monitor. Abby was doing great, heart rate was wonderful and she was moving all around. They had me on the monitor all day, and no contractions. But they did say my cervix was 60% Affaced, but it was closed and high. Since I wasnt contracting and no spotting, they sent me home. Told me to rest and follow up with my doctor on Monday.
Well, today I went to the doctors. I am still 60% affaced, but the cervix has gotten a little lower. And baby Abby's head in already down puttting pressure on the cervix.
So, I guess Abby is already asserting her independance and trying to come before she is supposed to.
To help stop this pre-term labor, I've been placed on bedrest. They are going to start me on a medication to try. I go tomorrow for an0ther ultrasound.
From here, it'll be week by week.
I'm hoping this doesn't mean another 17 weeks of bedrest, but I'll do what I have to and for as long as I have to, if it means that Abby stays put!
Please pray for all of us, as we make adjustments. Pray for Dan as he picks up the slack. Pray for me as I try and keep for going stir crazy. Pray for Abby as she continues to grow!!
Praise that we have my parents close by to help. And we have a wonderful church family who has already been offering to come keep me company.
I'll keep you posted.
Kim, Dan, and Baby Abby.
2 days ago
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