This week, I have been to the doctors 3 times. I'm really starting to get to know the girls in the office :) And I really like Dr Martin, my OB.
I've had some cramping on and off. When I went to the doctors yesterday, I am still 60% effaced, but it hasn't gotten any worse.
The doctor ordered me a progesterone shot that I will take once a week. It was hard to get ordered, but after a long day yesterday, we got it on order from a pharmacy in Columbia, SC. They are mailing it to me, so it will start when it arrives.
The goal is for me to stay on complete bed rest until I go several days with no cramping or contractions. Then the doctor said he will start letting me do an hour or 2 of light activity. From there, it's just to find a happy medium, where I have no cramping/contractions with activity. He is not sure I'll be able to go back to work, but at least off the couch/bed. My boss has offered to try and find me "desk work" if the doctor will release me for that.
Dr Martin said it would be OK for me to spend some time floating in the pool. We have a really nice pool in our subdivision. So I am really excited about this!! It'll allow me to get out of the house a bit and allow me to get some sun!
We have been blessed with an awesome church family. Ladies have been offering to help Dan with cleaning. And they are bringing meals a few times a week. One of my friends has offered to teach me to Knit. And a few are going to come over to scrapbook.
I have also decided that I should use this time effectively, and I am going to start studying to take my Oncology Certification. I've been putting this off for some time now, and I may as well put my time to good use.
I know that God is in control of all of this. None of this is a surprise to Him.
At times I struggle with having peace that all things are going to work out. Satan tries to get me down with thoughts of all the bad things that could happen. He tries to get me to see myself as a failure at my first task at a mom, that somehow I'm letting my baby girl down. I know all of these are lies!! I constantly have to remind myself that God is in control. Little AbbyBeth is his child no matter what happens.
My prayer is that God will be glorified through this pregnancy.
When I start to think, "God, why me?!?!?!?!" I remind myself to think, "God, Why not me!!!!"
please continue to pray for us, all 3 of us!
2 days ago
1 comment:
Great blog! I didn't know you had one, but I'll be following you now too! I'll keep you and little AbbyBeth in my prayers! So glad to hear that you have such a great church family that can really help out.
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